

On Suday, we went to church with the Romans where I tasted the worst wine possible (I think) during communion. It was bitter and gross. After church, we went for a drive down to Anzio for an afternoon stroll. We ended up spending about 4 hours there just walking along the beach. The story of Anzio is that during WWII, the British and Americans landed there to launch an attack on the German soldiers. Unfortunately, from my reading, it didn't go the best because the General waited too long to call for an attack. There is a statue in the city along the beach that is of a small girl who apparently led the allied troop to where the Germans were camped.

During our walking, we spent most of our time along the beach. We picked up seashells from across the world. That was an amazing thought of how something so far away is so similar to things so close. We spent probably 2 hours walking the beach and looking for shells during part of that time. Pictured below are Leann and Juliano.

Walking back up the beach after picking up shells.
Here is Juliano and Anna. They were our wonderful, funny, and sincere hosts during our 3 days in Rome. They were so good to us and were the highlight of our trip. They put the whole Italian experience into perspective. It felt like home there. We talked of the struggles every society must deal with. We experience the passion of Italians and the event of dining while with them. Leann and I are both certain we gained 5 pounds just during our stay with them.
This is one of our favorite pictures. It is so innocent and sincere. Just to walk arm in arm down the street talking of things to do, things to see, things to come and things that have past. Just simplicity of being friends. (You would not see many guys in America willing to walk like this anymore.)The end of the day looking back over the sea.

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