
Bible class & New house

The first two pictures here are of WNBC (Wed. night bible class), which is our church's version of VBS. Instead of a week, it lasts all summer, but only on Wednesdays. Here they were playing a game similar to Duck, Duck, Goose. Eon is in the top picture and Isa is in the bottom (she is in the top one too actually)
The new house (Bolin) is still be worked on as you read this. They have to finish up the tiling, grouting, carpet clean up, installing light fixtures, door, door knobs, etc!!! It was supposed to be done last Wednesday, then Friday, now who knows. I said all along it would be about this Friday coming up before we would be able to move, and it looks like I may be close. Who know what will happen with the inspection though. Both the pictures are off the resident rooms. The top one looks out to the hall by the dining room and out the front door (on the left of the pic). The bottom one is back by the laundry room.

Leann and I are getting more and more excited to move. Mainly, we just want to get it over with and get settled in. We have a lot of stuff to pack up and try to get over there in a short week (which we will probably be off). We are hoping we can get it done in a couple days or so. In the new house, there are 7 bedrooms so that each girl has their own room. Then there is a kitchen, living room, dining room, and large family room. For our side of the house, we have an office, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and even a living room. That is what I am most excited about is being able to have a place that just our kids and ours besides the bedroom. We will keep you posted when we know more of what will be happening.

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