
Good morning

Well this is my son's version of brushing his teeth. "Mom I ran out of toothpaste, can I have some more?" Have you brushed your teeth? "Not yet" and then I saw this in the bathroom. >=( I made him collect it in a baggie and save it to use over the next few days. HA! Mom is smarter than the 5 year old. At least today.

Sydney and her friend Ella in the background, whom we babysit on Tuesdays. Her mom is Isabelle's teacher. She ADORES Gideon and says his name constantly, though now that we have a puppy she has something new to chatter about. She's super cute and pretty good too.

Tobie likes to lay on the blankets under the computer during our teen school time. Only if I'm not walking around for him to follow though =)

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