
Morning cleaning adventures

This is a picture of my 3 kiddos "towel skating" on the floor after it was flooded by a certain boy's atempts at mopping.  They had a grand time!  Especially Isabelle who decided that scooting was just as fun

 This was Ryan's wild hair deciding to make home made whoopie pies!  He made the cakes and peppermint marshmallow fluff to go in the middle.  This is now a request for the next birthday that comes along, and NOT something I needed to know that I was missing, b/c now I'm going to want it more often.  Thanks a LOT Ryan!  No really.  THANK you.


Stephen and Lacie said...

LOL! Your kids are a HOOT!! Did you save a whoopie pie for me?


Reminds me of Pippi Longstocking!! =) I want a whoopie pie!