
Animal Kingdom safari

This is a termite mound that there were several of

We had to stop several times because animals were in the road and we had to wait for them to cross, as you can see from this ostrich.  The red headed lady is our driver and she was AMAZING at how much she had memorized.  She would rattle off names of any animals we saw, facts about their food and habitats, and people asked her a few questions that she knew all of the answers to.  It was really neat.

This ostrich was extremely close, and this is taken across Ryan's lap, as it was right outside of his open door.  She was guarding her nest which I tried to get a picture of, but at that moment, she ruffled her feathers and the driver took off so we didn't get attacked (wise choice as Ryan was the nearest one!)
random tree that I thought was cool =)  it was called an upside down tree.  She of course had a story about that and an explaination with scientific stuff, but I'm pretty sure it's because the branches look like roots

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