
Birthday partay~

Thanks to pinterest we did some fun things throughout Isa's birthday.  We filled balloons using vinegar and baking soda.  That was a fun and messy one.  Each kid wanted a turn doing their own.  That turned out to be more like a party game than decoration!

Yes I let the little hooligans jump on her bed for the afternoon


We made a special birthday hat for Tobie, which turned in to each kid wanting me to make one for them as well

These balloons were fun because they had a light inside of them, and they lasted for DAYS!  There were 5 in a package at Walmart for a dollar.  That is a well spent dollar from the party aisle in my opinion!

Both grandmas sent her yarn which she was perfectly happy with

She made 4 chocolate candles, then got tired so she made a plus sign and a 5.  =)

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