
The big snow storm starts

We had a really big snow storm the other day, I think 9+inches, and then another 4 a couple of days later.  We got 3 snow days off because of this

The kids didn't play long, because it was too cold, but long enough to eat some,

get wet,

Throw snowballs at me through the window,

Isabelle volunteered to shovel the driveway for money.  She worked very hard and Ryan ended up helping her when he got home, but she didn't shovel before Gideon got a chance to ride his bike down the piled up driveway!

he was cheering for himself here



This was the extent of my valentine decorations.

ryan made cookies. 

 Gideon and Grandpa jeff played Monopoly while they were visiting.  Glad it wasn't me!


the first earring change

It was a girl gathering the first time Isabelle changed her earrings.  She didn't even need my help really =(  So grown up!

Open mouth concentration



Gideon's fancy moves...

team huddle...

aaaand bored with team huddle....

set the pick my man! 

We may have to work on his dribbling =)

Nice free throw!