
Summer fun on campus

Outside sprinklers were a great source of summer fun when we couldn't leave the house. Dad got the kids a special sprinkler for Christmas, and Ryan got them a whale that uses his blow hole to spout water out. we used the splitter and had them both hooked up at the same time all summer. The others are the baby squirrels Ryan found under a tree outside of our house. We nursed them for a night with warm milk and droppers then put them in a shoe box under a hot desk lamp. It was the best we could do, and 2 out of 3 made it! =) the other 2 were taken to a wildlife rescue place.


The Moores said...

Love summer time! I'm so not ready for it to be over. Wow, great story about the squirrels. What good sameritans you are!


Baby squirrels! How fun. 2 out of 3 ain't bad....