
Tanganika part 2

This was the lorakeet cage where you can feed them (which cheapo me didn't of course) but we could walk around and get right up in their faces. They would land on you and climb on you if you had food for them. Also the kangaroos which were too snooty to get up from their naps to let us pet them, but we were close enough that I could have leaned over to pet them if I'd wanted too. Also the cute 4 month old porcupine. My son decided of all the animals in the park to break rules with, THAT was the one he was going to pet! We were all eating lunch and he went over on his own and the lady watched him bend over and pet it, so I guess it was okay. But then we talked about NOT petting animals w/o permission. Oh, and Gideon got his first bee sting today. The cousin picture cracks me up b/c Sydney is playing with Becka's hair, which she loves to do when I or her new big sister is holding her.

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