
Volley ball

Isabelle's first year of volleyball is going well.  they only play 4 saturdays, but play 3 games each time.

As you can see here, she is literally the shortest girl on the team of 4th through 6th graders.  A nice surprise was that when we showed up a girl who is in her class at school is on her team as well.  So isa has now started sitting with her at lunch and bringing her ball to school to practice with at recess


She did score a few points in each game by serving, so that was super exciting!  The name of her team is Orange Crush =)

when we showed up we realized she forgot her knee pads and WORE FLIP FLOPS!  So daddy took pity on her and drove home to get the things she needed.  Hopefully she was embarassed enough that won't happen again b/c I doubt if he will do it a second time!

1 comment:


Yay for volleyball! She looks like a natural! Violet and Hazels soccer shirts are bright orange too! It must be the color of the season! =)