
Visiting Waddle Grandparents

Well, we took some time last week (maybe two weeks ago) to go and visit the grandparents. We had such a good time and I really really love them so much. It is great to have spry grandparents that jump off of swingsets, listen to rock and roll, and watch LA Ink!!! They just make me smile. Here are a few pics from the weekend that we got.
Sydney insisted on giving people chalk pedicures while we were there, so we had lovely pink toes during our visit.

Grandpa above is working the puzzle with the kids. Best thing is that when the kids left the table, Gpa continued to do the puzzle all by himself.
Grandma playing with Syd. What a great memory. (Grandma, are those the sunglasses you had when I was that young??? They look really familiar for some reason!)

Sorry we haven't been posting at all. We have been moving and just got internet today again. So, we will start back up here soon. I still have to get pics downloaded and such, but need a good brother to help me figure out how to network my computer and create passwords and share information - etc., but with all the family a-twitter over the expecting couple, who knows when I will get a chance to snag him for a half hour to help me out. :)

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