
Moscow Circus

We were able to go to the Moscow Circus while in Branson (THANK YOU KIRA) and here are pictures of some of the preshow stuff. Sydney was asleep except for the first picture (which was actually taken last). The kids were really really excited about all of the stuff going on.
This guy had a little squirrel thing w/ a spring inside that jumps and the kids were petting it when it flew at Gideon, which he thought was hilarious.
Isa hugged her first stranger EVER!!! Kind of, well, it was a bear, but I still thinks that counts. She won't hug Santa Clause, so this is a big deal.
Picture of the kids w/ the guy on stilts in the background.
The guy on the left is juggling (below).

Right before the show starts (above) and sign below.
Both of the older kids got to ride a little motorcycle and they thought it was great. Both were just smiles ear to ear.

Sorry about the quality, they were moving and we were using our phone instead of camera. Enjoy anyways though!

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