

Moving houses and adding a 6th member to our family DOES feel like I'm having a baby, but I am NOT pregnant. Just to be clear. Ryan and I have spent much time in prayer over one of the residents here who we (Carpenter Place) have been looking at finding a host family for. Once we decided to move on from Carpenter Place we wanted to be the ones to provide that for her. She is very special to us and has been here about 3 years, with a couple of tries at home that didn't go well. We love her and want her to be part of our family, and honestly she already feels part of it. Our children, parents, etc. have all rallied to support us and her in this choice. But it really does feel like I'm choosing to have another baby. I never thought I'd have an almost 17 year old child at 31, yet here I am. I can't put her name on here, but those of you who know us will soon get the details. Feel free to give me a teenage baby shower!


The Moores said...

A teenage baby shower would be so fun! What a lucky girl to get to be a part of your wonderful family.

Shawn and Becky said...

That is sort of like having a baby, but I wouldn't wish an actual birth of a 17 year old on any one! She is a very lucky girl. We'll pray for all of you and your new chapter in life.

Lacie and Stephen said...

How blessed she is to have you two to care for her and guide her! I think this is fabulous news! When are you moving and what can we do to help?