
garden update

 our garden is doing great after most of the hail was south of us, they really enjoyed the rain that came with the storm.
Every year I attempt herbs and we had some left over starters so Ryan put some of the extra lettuce in a big pot.  he got the idea from our farmers market that had a big beautiful  lettuce bowl, and it was so full and pretty it almost looked like a decoration.  So that's what we're going for.  A decoration we can eat.
 This is our lettuce, spinach, and a small pepper plant to the right.  Below are our broccoli, cauliflauer plants in the front, with the tomatoe plants to the right, and peas in the back left growing up their supports.  The eggplant I think is in the middle.  They're still alive but don't seem to be growing much.  Hopefully they'll take off when it gets hotter.
 And here are our baby tomatoes and more blossoms.  Aren't they cute?!

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