
Tornado Day

For those of you NOT interested in following the midwest weather, Saturday we had a terrifying day of high risk of tornados and Wichita was right in the center of if. It was apparently a rare weather phenomenon where the jet stream air and the gulf air meet and one feeds the other coninually to cause many prolonged and sustained tornadoes. Last I heard there were somewhere around 136 tornados reported in Kansas that day, the most ever. We of course we scared witless (well, just me) and hovered around our basement all day.  Ryan and I slept here Friday night

Ryan had the brilliant idea to put up the tent in Charity's old room to tell the kids we would go "camping" downstairs for a few nights.  They promptly filled it with coloring supplies and their balloons from Farmer's market Saturday morning

 And of course as the Garrison family well knows you can't go camping with a buffet picnic
Saturday night Ryan ended up pulling the mattresses under the stairway so we could all just sleep and not focus on the storms.  Yeah right.
Here is our yard debris.  I thought it was funny until I saw our fence


The Moores said...

So glad you were kept safe from the crazy mid west weather! Good luck cleaning up all that yard debris :).

The Moores said...
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